Homeopathic Consultations

DoseI am a professionally trained and registered classical homeopath previously working in Surbiton, Surrey, close to south west London. NB As of July 2019, I have relocated to Buderim on the Sunshine Coast in Australia.

I work with you to understand your problems, whether mental, emotional or physical, and prescribe homeopathic medicine with the intent of stimulating your own natural repair mechanisms.  People often report improvement within three appointments; they report being calmer, more positive, and reduced symptoms: "the things that used to bother me don't bother me any more." as one teenage girl told me.  Those with longer term, chronic or recurrent problems may need a longer course of treatment.

healthThe aim of the initial consultation is not just to address your main problem, but to help to improve your immune system in general.  The intention is that the presenting complaint then becomes less likely to recur, or occurs with reduced intensity, and on fewer occasions.  I prescribe by understanding you as an individual, how you react in situations, what things you like or dislike, what upsetss or moves you.

Appointments are available by arrangement only.

Please email me, or text 07931 375 163 by WhatsApp/FaceTime for follow up appointments for those living in UK. 

For new appointments in Buderim/Sunshine Coast or in Australia, please call 07 5370 9423.

Disclaimer: As a classical homeopath I do not diagnose, treat or prescribe for any particular symptom, disease or condition. Instead I work on increasing the general vitality and constitutional strength of those who seek my advice.  I am a professional homeopath and not a medical doctor, and therefore those who work with me must retain the services of a primary care physician for appropriate evalutions and check-ups for themselves and/or their children.